Wednesday 5 December 2012

Final word regarding the course

If I was given a second chance in this course, I would definitely pay more attention in class.

During the coming study break, I am planning to go through the posted lectures and two projects to study for the final exam.

I wish everyone good luck and maybe see some of you in 108 next semester.

Friday 30 November 2012

Week 12: Getting the test back

Because I was feel sick last week, I did not receive my test mark. This week I got the test. I did not do so well in this test, as I have expected. 

One reason I did not do well on this test: I did not pay enough attention to some details during the learning process. For question 1: regarding the networks, I was not clear about their uniqueness and disadvantages compared to each other. 
I will definitely improve my learning quality in class, and have a better review before the final exam. I wish I can do a better job in the final one.

Friday 23 November 2012

Week 11: Wikipedia III

I just finished Wikipedia project!

The Wikipedia project was an overall success. By following the plan which I established by in Part II, Part III was very easy. It was very clear to me what steps I should take to finish the project. 

 The biggest challenge for this project was finding the correct information, since my articles were not exactly the most discussed area of subject matter. The general editing was straight forward for me once I had fully read the help page and seen other examples. 

This project has made me want to contribute more to Wikipedia, in my own free time.

Friday 9 November 2012

Week 9: Project One

Project One was tough! 

Inorder to do this project. I went back to all of the lectures and re-read everything. After reading everything, then I started to have a better understand.

However, I still have a question. For the check-key part,

(check-expect (check-key (make-clocktime 1 2 3 GO) "up") (make-clocktime 1 2 3 GO))(check-expect (check-key (make-clocktime 1 2 3 GO) "down") (make-clocktime 1 2 3 STOP))
(define (check-key im k)  (cond    [(equal? k "down") STOP]    [else im]))

I did not understand this part. 

However, by doing this project, I am now more prepared for the second term test. 

Sunday 21 October 2012

Week 6: Algorithm Questions

Algorithm Questions

         Before this week's lecture, I attempted to solve the problem of folding paper, but I failed. After the lecture, I tried it again, and applied what our professor taught us in lecture. I created a plan, and I was ready to accept that it would be wrong. To my surprise, it works. I checked this way several times to make sure it is correct. However, if you find I am wrong, please leave me a comment to inform me that. Here is my way of solving this problem. (It is a little bit long.)
         First of all, I want to know how many creases the paper contains corresponding to how many times I fold it. I made a table for these numbers.
         #Time #Creases
   1       1
         2       3
         3       8
         4       15
         Then I found that the number of creases is (2^n)-1, where n is the nth time of folding the paper.
         #Time #Creases
   1       2^1-1=1
         2       2^2-1=3
         3       2^3-1=8
         4       2^4-1=15

         Secondly, I want to find the pattern of creases. I made another table.
         #Time #Pattern
         1       D
         2       uDd
         3       uudDudd
         4       uuduuddDuuddudd
         Each row of characters is symmetrically opposite due to the way of folding the paper (Every time you fold the paper from left to right). Each row has a central character which must be D. The last character of each row must be d. Besides that, I discovered that the right side of nth row's D is exactly the entire row of n-1.
         I applied the rules which I discovered to find the 5th row.
         It should be (uuduudduuuddudd D uuduuddduuddudd).

Thursday 11 October 2012

Week 5: Term Test

During week five's class, we wrote our first term test. The test today consisted of computer history, binary, Dr.Racket codes, and more. After last week's studying, I found binary problems are quit easy. However, because I didn't pay much attention in class, I found computer history part is hard. I predict I will receive very little mark for question one. Fortunately the rest of the test was alright. 

After finishing the test, I though to myself, I will definitely attend each lecture and pay attention to the professor. Not only that, I will for sure study for the test next time!

Friday 5 October 2012

Week 4: Multiplying & Adding Binary Numbers

Week four focused on multiplication and addition of binary numbers. We focused in class on adding non-negative integers. The lecture was hard, and I was finding it tough to understand. However, when I went back and reviewed the notes, it became easier. I found the tutorial videos are really helpful. 

The key here is to understand that there can only be two variables, "1" and "0"... as well as the fact that it is basic mathematics. The specific rules within multiplying and adding, such as carrying 1's and shifting. Also, know how to convert from binary to decimal is an easy way to ensure your answers are correct.